Sparx Maths builds maths confidence through personalised homework for students aged 11-16 and is proven to significantly boost grades by the University of Cambridge Home Systems
Students using Sparx Maths Homework made 83% more progress with just 15 minutes of practice (in comparison to those who did no homework). For each further 15 minutes of practice they …
Sparx Maths builds maths confidence through personalised homework for students aged 11-16 and is proven to significantly boost grades by the University of Cambridge
2022年12月12日 · Sparx Maths builds maths confidence through personalised homework for students aged 11-16 and is proven to significantly boost grades by the University of …
2022年9月2日 · Sparx Maths builds maths confidence through personalised homework for students aged 11-16 and is proven to significantly boost grades by the University of Cambridge
2023年11月14日 · In September 2023, approximately 60,000 students from 400 Sparx Maths schools across the country sat the Year 7 Sparx baseline assessment and used the …
2023年4月5日 · Sparx Maths builds maths confidence through personalised homework for students aged 11-16 and is proven to significantly boost grades by the University of Cambridge