约 52,300 个结果
  1. Creality LD-002R 3D Printer | LD-002R 3D LCD Resin Printer

  2. LD-002R | 创想云

    Creality LD-002R树脂3D打印机|119*65*160mm|超高清2K液晶屏|ChiTuBox切片机|安全的空气净化系统|抗锯齿效果|稳定的球型直线导轨|高解析度


    Creality LD-002R Resin 3d printer | 119*65*160mm | Ultra HD 2K LCD screen | ChiTuBox slicer | safe air purification system | Anti-aliasing effect | stable ball-type linear rails | high resolution

  4. 新品光固化LD-002R新高度 实力演绎性价比超高 ... - CREALITY

  5. LD-002R Firmware - CREALITY CLOUD

  6. LD-002R光固化3D打印机本周全面上市,1999元

    创想三维(Creality)是全球3D打印机领导品牌,国家高新技术企业,国家级专精特新“小巨人“,专注于3D打印机的研发和生产,产品覆盖“ 熔融沉积成型 和光固化”。

  7. Creality LD-002R Review – The Complete Package - 3DPrintBeginner

  8. 创想三维3D打印机LD-002R开箱测试 高精度令人惊叹_哔哩哔 …

  9. The Creality LD-200R Resin Printer - DIYODE Mag

    The Creality LD-002R is impressive for its price point. Most of the issues with it are common to resin printing in general and entry-level resin printers in particular. If we were to own one, we would be investing in a washable, reusable gauze …

  10. Creality LD-002R Review: MSLA Resin 3D Printing on a …

    2021年4月6日 · The Creality LD-002R includes all of the mechanical components you need to get up and running, including the resin vat, the build platform, a USB drive, and a power cable.