Instructors can use these pages to give their students practice with antonyms. Activities include filling in blanks or matching words using antonyms from a word bank, using prefixes to build antonyms out of root words, rewriting sentences to change …
By using the antonyms worksheets below, you will be able to master how to find and write words that are opposite in meaning to others. Learning antonyms will help enrich and expand your vocabulary of the English language. Here is a graphic preview for all of the antonyms worksheets.
Antonyms are words that mean the opposite to each other. Task 1 ¾ Cross out the underlined word and replace it with the opposite word from the box below. 1. My Mum made a cake – it was nice! 2. The roller coaster was very good. 3. The film star was very beautiful. 4. Gran was pleased with her birthday present. 5. The large lorry held up all ...
We’ve created numerous worksheets to help either your child or student learn antonyms. We offer a free printable antonym worksheet that focuses on the following words: on, off, above, below, in, out, near, far, before, after, left & right.