Visions of Mana director Ryosuke Yoshida has departed NetEase to assume a new position with Square Enix. In a statement on ...
Visions of Mana director Ryosuke Yoshida has announced that he left the NetEase-owned Ouka Studios at the end of October and ...
Although the Mana series is owned by Square Enix and it published Visions of Mana, it was developed by the NetEase-owned Ouka ...
近日,游戏业界传来了一则重量级人事变动消息,前卡普空知名设计师吉田亮介(Ryosuke Yoshida)已正式告别网易樱花工作室,并宣布加入Square Enix(SE)。据悉,吉田亮介的离职时间为10月31日,而他加入SE的决定则在12月正式生效。
IT之家 12 月 2 日消息,前《鬼泣 5》设计师吉田亮介(Ryosuke Yoshida)今日宣布,他已于 10 月 31 日因个人原因离开网易樱花工作室,并在 12 月正式加入 Square Enix(SE)。
The director for Visions of Mana Ryosuke Yoshida has announced he has left NetEase's Ouka Studios and has been hired [...] ...
Ryosuke Yoshida, the director of the August 29-released Visions of Mana, has left the NetEase Games-owned developer Ouka ...
Ebanie Bridges surprised fans by revealing her pregnancy during a September appearance at Misfits Boxing's X Series 18.
In what will go down as one of the most keenly-contested J1 League seasons, three teams head into the final week of the ...
Yuya Yoshida took a fast first step toward qualifying for next year's world athletics championships by winning the Fukuoka Internat ...