IT之家 12 月 5 日消息,微软公司昨日(12 月 4 日)发布博文,面向 Canary 频道的 Windows Insider 项目成员,发布了 Windows 11 Build 27758 ...
根据最新消息,微软确认了TPM2.0是Windows11的必备标准。尽管如此,在一些搭载第六代和第五代英特尔处理器的设备上,用户仍然成功安装了Windows1124H2版本。这些设备之所以能够顺利安装,是因为它们具备TPM2.0模块, ...
If you're still running Windows 10 on your PC, you're probably quite used to Microsoft's reminders that you can upgrade to ...
With the end date for Windows 10 less than a year away, people still using that operating system will need to start preparing ...
The Microsoft Store will soon be able to update apps that aren't hosted on Microsoft's store servers. Microsoft has unveiled ...
Microsoft is planning to add watermarks and settings notifications on unsupported PCs running Windows 11 due to a lack of TPM ...
While announcing Windows 11, Microsoft made a very controversial move to change hardware requirements significantly. The ...
Microsoft made it abundantly clear this week that Windows 10 users won't be able to upgrade to Windows 11 unless their ...
Windows Latest引述报道,微软最近在Windows 11的任务栏添加文件搜索(File Search)功能,让用户从OS任务栏直接搜索并打开最近使用,或他人分享的Microsoft 365(M365)文件。
快科技11月25日消息,Windows 11的通知系统正逐渐成为微软推广自家产品和服务的新渠道。据报道, Windows 11正在通过通知推出新的广告(或推荐),其实这种做法并不新鲜,只不过这些通知的数量却有所上升。微软最近看来是在Windows ...
昨日(11月20日),微软公司面向Canary频道的Windows Insider项目成员发布了最新的Windows 11预览版更新——Build 27754。此次更新带来了多项新功能和优化改进,并对之前的一些已知问题进行了修复。