2023년 11월 2일에 발매된 『STAR OCEAN THE SECOND STORY R』이 올해로 1주년을 맞이했습니다. 본 작품을 플레이해 주신 여러분께 대단히 감사드립니다. 이번 1주년을 기념해, 각종 일러스트와 단편 소설을 모은 특별 콘텐츠를 새롭게 제작하였습니다. 본 페이지에서 해당 ...
STAR OCEAN THE SECOND STORY R celebrates its first anniversary since its release on November 2, 2023. We are deeply grateful to all the fans who have enjoyed the game over the past year. As part of ...
FINAL FANTASY VII, originally released in 1997 and recorded worldwide sales of over 14 million units, was brought back with modern technology through the FINAL FANTASY VII remake project. The second ...