Aalto Executive DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) -ohjelma on suunnattu kokeneille johtajille, jotka haluavat suorittaa tohtorintutkinnon työn ohella. Startup-yritysten kestävyysvaikutuksia voi ...
Aalto University has an extensive selection of different programmes and multiple student selections. On this page you can find information on how to apply to Aalto as well as links to the application ...
Professors of Practice Katja Tähtinen and Assistant Professors Jan Akmal, Magda Posani, and Jenni Partanen were appointed to ...
Professors at Aalto University are expected to perform high-quality research and teaching and supervise students on the doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate levels. This position involves teaching in ...
Tutoreille nimetään oma ryhmä uusia tohtoriopiskelijoita, jotka he saavat toivottaa tervetulleeksi Aalto-yhteisöön ja ...
Are you interested in meeting new people across disciplines and introduce them to the Aalto community of doctoral students?
Aalto Talent Expo, Aalto University's largest recruitment event, brought together 90 employers and thousands of students.
Aalto-yliopiston suurin rekrytointitapahtuma Aalto Talent Expo kokosi yhteen 90 työnantajaa ja tuhansia opiskelijoita.
Kuinka taloteknisen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen yhteispeliä on kehitettävä, jotta suunnitelmat palvelisivat asennusta ...
Otakaari 3, 02150 Espoo Ekonominaukio 1, Room R038/V001, or via Zoom (https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67444945844) Tapahtuman kieli englanti Lisää kalenteriisi Microsoft ...
Aalto University Summer School alum Judith Gilbrich was impressed with how Aalto University truly lives up to its reputation ...
The Theory of Cryptography Conference is an IACR area conference that has been held every year since 2004. It focuses on ...