This manual is a practical guide for the use of our general-purpose Monte Carlo code MCNP. The first chapter is a primer for the novice user. The second chapter describes the mathematics, data, ...
A set of new mathematical results on the theory of Gaussian random fields is presented, and the application of such calculations in cosmology to treat questions of structure formation from ...
The current understanding of the behavior of quantum chromodynamics at finite temperature is presented. Perturbative methods are used to explore the high-temperature dynamics. At sufficiently high ...
We discuss the principles of the high-temperature expansion leading to a variation-perturbation method. For pure gauge fields, diagrams are two-dimensional manifolds. As an application, we compute the ...
A survey has been made of the differential scattering cross sections for 187-Mev electrons on the even-even nuclei Mg2412, Si2814, S3216, A4018, and Sr8828. It has been possible to separate the ...
A novel derivation of the Q 2 dependence of quark and gluon densities (of given helicity) as predicted by quantum chromodynamics is presented. The main body of predictions of the theory for ...
In this manuscript the three types of late-time behavior of spherically symmetric Boson Stars are presented, these are: stable configurations, unstable bounded that collapse to form black holes and ...
The production of axions in the early universe is studied. Axion models which break the U(1) PQ symmetry above 10 12 GeV are found to produce an unacceptably large axion energy density.
The rare decay B -> K* (-> K pi) mu+ mu- is regarded as one of the crucial channels for B physics as the polarization of the K* allows a precise angular reconstruction resulting in many observables ...
Part of 100 years of gravity and accelerated frames: The deepest insights of Einstein and Yang-Mills, 65-119 ...
We show that the quark mixing matrix can be parametrized in exactly unitary forms with the imaginary parts present only at the order of 10−3. With sx=s1 and sy well determined, measurements of ε′ or ...
The set of Casimir operators associated with the global symmetries of a charged string in a constant magnetic background are found. It is shown that the string rest energy can be expressed as a ...