Expressions are obtained for the probability of ionization of atoms and solid bodies in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave whose frequency is lower than the ionization potential. In the ...
Expressions are derived for the mass of a stationary axisymmetric solution of the Einstein equations containing a black hole surrounded by matter and for the difference in mass between two neighboring ...
The most non-trivial of the established microscopic theories of physics is QCD: the theory of the strong interaction. A critical link between theory and experiment is provided by the methods of ...
The goal of this online course is to introduce students to the modern physics of black holes. The first part of the lectures will review the classical physics of black holes as described by general ...
A gauge theory with colour gauge group U( N ) and quarks having a colour index running from one to N is considered in the limit N → ∞, g 2 N fixed. It is shown that only planar diagrams with the ...
One can evaluate the action for a gravitational field on a section of the complexified spacetime which avoids the singularities. In this manner we obtain finite, purely imaginary values for the ...
We estimate the rate of the anomalous electroweak baryon-number non-conserving processes in the cosmic plasma and find that it exceeds the expansion rate of the universe at T > ( a few ) × 10 2 GeV.
The future generations of particle physics experiments put stricter demands on the detectors as both the integrated and instantaneous luminosities increase. The higher instantaneous luminosity will ...
We give general formulae for the second-order weak correction to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in an arbitrary gauge model. Older known results are rederived as special cases. We ...
Black hole solutions to Einstein's equations are examined in asymptotically flat N + 1 dimensional space-times. First generalizations of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrøm solutions are examined in ...