Biosecurity is the set of practical measures taken to limit the spread of infectious diseases, both within a farm and from one farm to another, or from elsewhere, e.g. the abattoir. Ensuring good ...
An extension of the original Swine Dysentery Charter, it aims to control disease quickly and effectively. It currently covers the sharing of information for both swine dysentery and PEDv outbreaks and ...
Confirmed case of swine dysentery: a positive laboratory diagnosis by culture and/or PCR of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in the presence of clinical signs of diarrhoea in the pigs. Swine dysentery ...
Body condition scoring (BCS) was developed around 20 years ago and is widely accepted as a practical means of assessing the impact of negative energy balance in early lactation. This system ...
Clinical mastitis can present itself in a wide degree of severity of symptoms which can range from mild to moderate to severe. The degree of illness and the symptoms present will depend on many ...
AHDB estimates overall organic milk production from a weekly survey of the largest milk buyers. The volumes are scaled up based on other available data. Figures are collected every week from dairies ...
What are cover crops, catch crops and green manures? Cover crops, catch crops and green manures are non-cash crops that provide potential benefits to a rotation. Typically, cover crops are grown over ...
Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed. This manual will help ...
Understanding how animals react and what stimulates them helps producers improve handling facilities, making cattle handling safer and more efficient. This manual aims to improve producers' ...
The purpose of increasing rates was to meet the request from levy payers to deliver more key services, including marketing and exports for the Beef & Lamb, Dairy and Pork sectors and more independent ...
A cash flow forecast is the principal means of planning future finance needs. It shows future anticipated peaks and troughs in money coming into your farm business and the costs which the business ...
Following a strict vehicle biosecurity policy should reduce the risk of disease being spread by lorries and other vehicles. However, it relies on everyone complying with the policy and having access ...