These are the themes writers Evan Narcisse and Greg Pak will explore in Sam Wilson: Captain America. ComicBook spoke to the ...
“我愿意接受这份责任。”这是《美国队长4》中Sam Wilson的经典台词,也是他对成为新一任美国队长的坚定承诺。在迪士尼的一次盛大活动中,《美国队长4》的主演安东尼·麦凯分享了他对这部即将上映的作品的深刻感受。他激动地表示,能够在漫威电影宇宙中饰演美国队长(Sam Wilson)这一角色长达十年之久,是他职业生涯中的一大亮点。 安东尼·麦凯对Sam Wilson这一角色给予了高度评价,认为他是一 ...
Anthony Mackie thinks Sam Wilson will be a much different superhero in the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World, and ...
The Hulk Buster armor may be key in the battle between Captain America and the Red Hulk.
The stakes feel high for the powerless Sam Wilson.
Joaquin Torres, a secondary character, may face early death to resonate with fans.
Sam Wilson actor Anthony Mackie has opened up about the superhero’s evolution from Falcon to Captain America in the Marvel ...
在漫威电影宇宙中,超级英雄不仅仅是力量的象征,更是人性光辉的体现。正如安东尼·麦凯在最近的迪士尼盛大活动中所言,他十年来扮演的角色——美国队长Sam Wilson,不仅是战斗的参与者,更是智慧与勇气的化身。这位导演通过角色的变化展现出的深层次意义,令人反思当今社会对英雄形象的定义。 “在你眼前的不是超级血清的强者,而是一个充满智慧,善于利用自己的聪明才智来解决问题的人。”安东尼·麦凯的这一描述,引 ...
Brave New World star Anthony Mackie has addressed Sam Wilson's lack of superpowers as the MCU's new Captain America gears up ...
This article is from Scoop City, The Athletic’s daily NFL newsletter. Sign up here to receive it directly in your inbox. Good ...
It’s not just one person. Sometimes it’s me, sometimes it’s somebody else.” His low winning percentage as the Jets starter ...