IT之家 12 月 2 日消息,安全公司 Trustwave 发布报告揭露了一款在地下流通的 Rockstar 钓鱼工具包,黑客主要利用相关工具包窃取受害者的 Cookie 数据。 据悉,相关工具包最初在 2023 年 5 ...
It seems Rockstar Games is quite confident in GTA 6, as one developer hints at "mind-blowing" ambitions for the upcoming open ...
GTA 6 fans cannot believe Rockstar Games hasn’t shared anymore news in the year since Trailer 1 debuted online.
有时系统防火墙或杀毒软件会阻止 Rockstar Launcher 的正常启动。你可以尝试暂时关闭防火墙或杀毒软件,再重新启动 Rockstar ...
This two-factor authentication bypass kit is being rented out to any hacker who wants to use it and Google and Microsoft ...
Prior to launch, the big issue going around the console was that it didn’t have enough power to run modern games at 4K, 60 ...
自从《GTA6》的首支预告片发布以来,已经过去了一年多。玩家们一直在期待第二支预告片的到来,但Rockstar Games始终保持沉默。虽然第二支预告片仍未出现,但最近泄露的一批新截图再次点燃了玩家们的热情,大家纷纷猜测预告片也许即将到来。
One underrated Rockstar Games release was 2006's Bully, which went on to sell over 1.5 million copies. This open-world video ...