Despite their enriching role in our lives, cats remain a devastating influence on native species around the world with their ...
Pets can submit their wishes now through Dec. 20 on Chewy's website where they can choose from gift options and write out any ...
"One of the most important things to recognize is that there's a spectrum of care," Looper said. Palliative care, surgery, ...
每经讯,据启信宝,新三板创新层公司玖隆再生(832718)新增专利信息,专利权人为玖隆再生,发明人是朱洪兵、唐国明、方正龙、唐芹、明国兵。专利授权日为2024年11月29日,专利名称为“一种PET瓶胚输送装置”,专利类型为中国实用新型专利,专利申请号 ...
A viral TikTok video has left cat lovers everywhere in tears, as one owner shared a bittersweet realization about her furry ...
Charley was left frightened by her failed adoption but quickly fell in love with a ball run game once back with her foster ...
湖北日报讯(记者周鹏、通讯员李妮、龚柳颖)11月23日,锐世医疗高端医疗器械产业园落户葛店国家经济技术开发区,建成后将年产数字PET系列产品、CT系统等,实现年销售额超6亿元。PET即正电子发射断层成像仪,是精准医学的重要设备,主要用于肿瘤、心脑血管 ...
金融界2024年11月29日消息,国家知识产权局信息显示,建诺为生物技术(江苏)有限公司取得一项名为“一种高性能改性PET培养基瓶及其制备方法”的专利,授权公告号CN 118638397 B,申请日期为2024年5月。