The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles’ new program is offering debt relief and hope to over 350,000 people. Their goal is to ...
OMV AG's recent arbitration win against Gazprom has limited impact on its business, despite Gazprom's supply cuts to Austria.
Austrian energy firm OMV could legally terminate a gas supply deal that runs until 2040 with Russia's Gazprom , an Austrian ...
2018年,俄罗斯总统普京访问奥地利期间,俄气与奥地利最大能源供应商OMV签署了一项将天然气供应延长至2040年的协议。合同规定,无论奥地利方面是否接收天然气,都有义务支付天然气费用。 OMV今年早些时候宣布将停止向俄气奥地利子公司支付天然气费用 ...
上周,欧洲基准价格飙升至2023年11月以来的最高点,因为奥地利的OMV警告称,俄罗斯的管道天然气供应可能会停止,而且寒冷的天气推动了对供暖和电力的更强劲需求。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)确实切断了对OMV的供应,但俄罗斯对奥地利的天然 ...
More than 350,000 Louisiana drivers will potentially be affected by delinquent debt reform through the Office of Motor ...
Israeli player takes stake in Han Asparuh block that may host structures similar to Turkey's nearby Sakarya field and OMV ...
自日前俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司 (Gazprom) 停止向奥地利最大天然气进口商OMV供应能源后,欧洲大陆天然气价格飞涨,且过去几天有超五批液化天然气自亚洲运至欧洲。此前,OMV曾因合同纠纷扣押俄Gazprom部分天然气。
Austria’s top energy official said it’s the decision of OMV AG executives and shareholders whether or not to extricate the ...
A new Louisiana reform law allows over 350,000 drivers to reset outstanding OMV fines to their original amounts, offering ...