PS2销量更新索尼最初的PS1发售于1994年12月3日,为庆祝即将到来的30周年,设立了特别纪念官网,列出了历代PlayStation主机的功绩和销量。而在这其中,索尼正式宣布了PS2的销量已经超过1.6亿台。今年3月,索尼互动娱乐总裁 Jim ...
The PlayStation 2 has sold more than 160 million units since 2000, PlayStation affirms in its new look back at the platform's ...
近日,据外媒 “Eurogamer” 报道,索尼官方宣布其 PlayStation 2 主机已售出超过 1.6 亿台,继续稳坐史上最畅销主机的第一名宝座。 报道指出,PS2 主机在 2011 年期间销量就达到 1.5 亿台,且在一年之内又售出 500 万台,直到 2013 年 1 月彻底停产 PS2。这意味着在此之后,索尼仍卖出了另外 500 万台 PS2 主机。今年 3 月底,SIE 前总裁 ...
尽管Nintendo Switch作为市面上在售的主机,已经达到了1.46亿台的销量,但其并不是有史以来最畅销的主机。近日据外媒“Eurogamer”报道,索尼官方宣布其PlayStation ...
The PS2 has officially crossed 160 million lifetime sales, according to Sony, which confirms remarks made by its former chief ...
尽管Nintendo Switch已经售出超过1.46亿台,成为市场上最受欢迎的主机之一,但事实上它并不是历史上销量最高的主机。根据索尼官方公布的数据,PlayStation 2(PS2)主机以超过1.6亿台的总销量继续保持最畅销主机榜首。
As part of the ongoing PlayStation 30th anniversary celebration, Sony reveals that the PlayStation 2 has reached an ...
Sony never releases its console sales numbers, but we now have confirmation for the PS2's lifetime sales.The Latest Tech News ...
Sony has acknowledged that backwards compatibility was a unique and much-welcomed feature before it was dropped in the PS4 ...