苹果作为智能手机行业的巨头,长久以来一直未涉足折叠屏领域,这让不少科技爱好者感到好奇。然而,最新的消息显示,苹果似乎正悄悄研发其首款折叠屏手机,暂命名为iPhone Flip。外媒近期对这款未来产品进行了七大亮点的预测,让我们一同来探索。
【CNMO科技消息】苹果几乎是主流手机厂商中唯一没有进军折叠屏领域的一家。不过,苹果并非没有相关计划,有消息称,苹果的折叠屏手机正在开发中。据CNMO了解,外媒在近期预测了苹果折叠屏手机(暂称iPhone Flip)的七大看点,一起来围观下。
while patent number US11550369B2 describes a multi-layered construction for flip phones. Additionally, Apple has obtained at least five US patents related to a possible iPhone Fold. Among these, ...
We've been reporting on the rumored iPhone Flip for a few years now as, here at T3, we think it has the potential to be the best foldable phone in the world. Take the clamshell design of the ...
While Apple is yet to step into the foldable market, the possibility of an iPhone flip phone has sparked much speculation and excitement among fans. Though there are limited rumours about Apple ...
here’s why flip phones are a better alternative to Apple’s iPhones. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, Galaxy Z Flip 6, and iPhone 16 Pro series One of the standout features of foldable flip phones like ...
The last Apple event came and went without even the smallest of hints at a foldable iPhone. And with the rumors thin on the ground, I'd be skeptical if such a phone is even in the works ...