Medically, 'brain rot' refers to a state of mental fatigue, sluggishness, shortened attention span, and cognitive decline, ...
Plus, PS5 Portable rumors, how Trump's tariffs could cost gamers billions, and more news and opinions from Thanksgiving week ...
Casey Hudson, the creator of Mass Effect, has announced the closure of his studio before they’re able to release their first ...
Sonic 3 is currently tracking ahead of Mufasa at the box office, set to debut with $55 million in its opening weekend compared to $50 million for The Lion King prequel.
Mac Walters' Worlds Untold - which had been backed by NetEase - announced it was "pausing operations" until it can locate ...
Just two days after Casey Hudson closed his Humanoid Origin studio, the former Mass Effect creative director has run into ...
Earlier this week Humanoid Origin, a studio led by former Mass Effect director Casey Hudson, closed doors without a ...
又一3A制作团队凉了?近日Casey Hudson所创立的Humanoid Origin团队,宣布因“无法预期的资金短缺”等一系列问题,不得不宣布倒闭!其团队耗时约三年开发的首款科幻游戏也遗憾地胎死腹中。Humanoid Origin于2021年成立 ...
Not long after Mass Effect veteran Casey Hudson's new AAA studio closed its doors, another BioWare veteran's new venture has ...
Worlds Untold, the NetEase-back studio from former Mass Effect writer Mac Walters, is “pausing operations,” until a new ...
BioWare vet Mac Walters' NetEase studio Worlds Untold will "pause operations" while it looks for a new partner, the company ...
Over the past few weeks, you’ve might have heard somewhere that Earth was about to get a second moon. Now it’s confirmed, ...