A temporary administrative stay has halted Microsoft's plans to launch its Xbox game store on Android. The delay is due to ...
【环球网财经综合报道】11月28日,据路透社消息,谷歌向美国上诉法院提出请求,旨在推翻此前陪审团作出的裁决以及法官对谷歌应用商店Play的修改命令。这一举动标志着谷歌与《堡垒之夜》制造商Epic Games之间长达数年的法律纠纷再次升级。
随着云游戏和移动游戏的迅猛发展,游戏玩家对通过多平台享受游戏的需求日益增加。微软的Xbox App原本计划为安卓用户提供直接购买和游玩主机游戏的功能,但近日由于谷歌与Epic Games之间的法律纠纷,该计划被迫延迟。此举不仅影响了微软的战略布局,也让玩家对未来移动游戏的体验产生了疑问与期待。
Google also claimed that the case revolved around security issues that they have, that Microsoft and Epic do not share. But ...
谷歌近日向美国第九巡回上诉法院提出请求,意图推翻之前陪审团的裁决及法官的命令,该命令要求谷歌对其应用商店Play进行修改。这一举动发生在与游戏制造商Epic Games的法律纠纷中。 谷歌在提交给法院的文件中强调,审判法官在法律判断上存在错误,对Epic Games表现出了不公平的偏向。谷歌进一步指出,若要求对Google Play及其移动设备操作系统Android进行大规模重新设计,将严重损害应 ...
After missing its original schedule, Xbox claims a new court decision is the reason behind the unforeseen delay, but Google ...
Microsoft's plan to enable Android users to buy and play console games via the Xbox app have been delayed, seemingly ...
Epic 在 2020 年提起的诉讼中指控谷歌垄断了消费者在 Android 设备上访问应用程序的方式以及他们在应用程序内支付交易的方式。这家总部位于北卡罗来纳州卡里的公司去年说服旧金山陪审团,称谷歌非法扼杀了竞争。
Google is appealing a verdict forcing major changes to its Play Store, arguing the ruling unfairly benefits Epic Games and ...
Microsoft says its plans to let users buy and play games directly via the Xbox app on Android are being held up by a new ...
Microsoft revealed that its Xbox Game Store for Android is only waiting for the court's mandate to take effect.
Tencent Games subsidiary Polaris Quest have announced open-world game, Light of Motiram, for the PlayStation 5, PC via Steam and Epic [...] ...