"Moana 2," a sequel to the 2016 animated film that reunites the wayfinding title character with demigod Maui, sailed to a ...
The Disney animated sequel set a new record for biggest Thanksgiving weekend in box office history, extending a comeback for ...
Walt Disney Co.’s new Moana 2 brought in ticket sales of $221 million in the US and Canada over its five-day Thanksgiving weekend, shattering the record held by the company’s Frozen 2 since 2019.
Moana 2,' Disney's sequel to the beloved original film, is expected to break Thanksgiving weekend box office records with as ...
Walt Disney Co.’s new Moana 2 brought in ticket sales of $221 million in the US and Canada over its five-day Thanksgiving weekend, shattering the record held by the company’s Frozen 2 since 2019.
Movie theaters finally have something for which to be thankful. Disney’s “Moana 2” cemented Thanksgiving box office records ...
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Moana 2 shattered box office records thanks to an estimated $221m five-day North American ...
Moana 2 is officially on track to break a major box office record on its opening weekend. Per The Hollywood Reporter, ...
Disney’s “Moana 2,” Universal’s “Wicked” and Paramount’s “Gladiator II” pushed the five-day Thanksgiving holiday to its ...
"Moana 2," the sequel to the animated Disney musical about a spunky Polynesian teenager who embarks on seafaring adventures, ...
The wildest dreams of movie theater owners across the country have come true. Thanks in large part to Disney’s “Moana 2” and ...