亚马逊云服务AWS近日宣布,与新兴科技公司Orbital Materials携手合作,共同探索利用人工智能技术推动数据中心脱碳的新途径。Orbital Materials专注于通过AI开发创新的脱碳技术,旨在助力全球企业实现更环保的运营模式。
Tune in to AWS Partners LIVE!, streaming directly from AWS marquee events including re:Invent, to catch breaking news and ...
HashiCorp recognized as Collaboration Partner of the Year winner, helping to ensure AWS customers do cloud right with Infrastructure and Security Lifecycle Management ...
Google Cloud Platform offered financial incentives to CISPE, a European trade association, to continue its legal battle ...
The cloud giant is fueling growth in Southeast Asia with new infrastructure, skills development programmes, and a focus on ...