Athens General Composite 中表现最好的股票为欧银耳嘎斯银行 (AT: EURBr ),上涨5.50%(0.11点),收盘报价为2.11。同时,阿尔法银行 (AT: ACBr )上涨了4.91%(0.07点),收于1.54;Piraeus Bank SA (AT: BOPr )涨4.76%(0.17 点),尾盘收报3.63。
Athens General Composite 中表现最好的股票为Crete Plastics SA (AT: PLAKR ),上涨5.84%(0.80点),收盘报价为14.50。同时,Alumil (AT: ALMr )上涨了2.72%(0.11点),收于3.96;Biokarpet Industrial and Commercial Enterprises SA (AT: ALBr ...
The exhibition features 270 pieces or sets of collections from 14 Greek museums and institutes, including pottery, stone statues and gold artifacts, according to the ambassador of Greece to China, ...
The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...
还记得乔治亚洲一名22岁的女大学生莱肯·莱利 (Laken Riley) ,被非法移民杀害的案件吗?周三(11月20日),当地雅典-克拉克县(Athens-Clarke County)高等法院做出判决,26岁的凶手何塞·伊瓦拉(Jose Ibarra ...
The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...
你好呀,我是良哥。又一篇好文来啦,请阁下细细品尝。跳舞是人类最重要并且最有益的活动之一,不必像专业舞者,疯狂乱舞可能才是我们真正想做的事,不仅有利于身体锻炼,对改善我们的精神状态非常重要。疯狂乱舞让我们放下对正常自我的控制,抛弃手脚的协调,忘我到与宇 ...
示威者参加在第撒隆尼基举行的纪念1973年反军政府起义周年的集​​会。(法新社照片)(雅典18日综合电)法新社报道,约有2.5万人昨天在雅典一场受到密切关注的示威活动中游行,纪念协助推翻希腊军事统治的支持民主起义51周年。这项年度的抗议活动是为了纪念 ...