There's no denying that, like other wildlife, mice are cute to look at. However, not everyone is pleased to let them run ...
Powerful Mouse Repellent (10 Pouches in the Package): Our mouse repellent pouches are expertly crafted to efficiently drive away mice using a time-release scent of peppermint and cinnamon.
“The strong scents can repel mice naturally. Finally, avoid storing firewood or compost bins directly against the house; these attract mice and make it easy for them to find a way inside.
Plasticvore is a two-year old biotech start-up offering alternative, humane solutions to controlling and eliminating pests, ...
For those looking to safeguard their garden against rodents, James recommends creating a herb patch as peppermint, lavender, ...
However, that smell wears off in about 3-4 weeks. After that ... Make sure you clear out any food or crumbs in your pantry. Other products like Grandpa Gus's mice repellent pouches and sprays may work ...