After a hiatus of over three years, Li Ziqi, the Chinese influencer renowned for her serene and meticulously crafted videos, ...
The 5th Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industries Expo's Shanghai International Illustration Festival ended on ...
水墨画是中国绘画独有的美学形式,展现出东方艺术的大美之境,相传始于唐代,成于五代,盛于宋元。水墨画以黑白为主体并以色彩为辅, 构成了独一无二的艺术体系。“墨”即是“色”,用墨的浓淡变化来表现色的层次变化,“墨分五彩”,用墨的色度来表现色彩缤纷。Ink ...
Art empowers children with neurodiversity by providing a non-verbal avenue for self-expression, fostering emotional ...
The exhibition showcases over 150 outstanding pieces from its collection. Through a comprehensive exploration of social life ...
The longevity of golden lacquer inlay as an ancient craft lies largely in the craftsmanship of its inheritors, and its ...
Embark on a cultural exploration of Li Keran's masterpieces at the 'Wonder in Rain' 70th Anniversary Exhibition at Shenzhen ...
当前,科技领域的快速发展正以前所未有的速度改变着各行各业,其中人工智能(AI)、软件开发和设备制造等多个领域都引领着技术的进步。近日,多条重要新闻引起了广泛关注,包括国产GPU独角兽摩尔线程启动A股上市进程、.NET 9的正式发布以及AI搜索广告模式的首次探索等。 首先,国产GPU独角兽摩尔线程的上市消息无疑为国内芯片行业注入了一剂强心针。摩尔线程成立于2020年,以其强大的技术背景和丰富的行业经 ...
由北京第二外国语学院与北京日报社、中国互联网新闻中心联合出品的《我眼中的北京非遗》系列节目第二期《金漆镶嵌:传承千年的宫廷之美》正式上线。 本系列节目依托北二外的外语专业特色与媒体的优质海内外传播平台,推出系列融媒体产品,助力讲好中国故事、北京故事。节目由北京电视台资深记者与北二外教师全程指导,北二外师生负责内容制作,依托媒体矩阵,多平台进行全球传播。
"The natural beauty of Songshan Lake is breathtaking; the scenery here is truly spectacular!" remarked one of the ...
In the crowd, she quickly spotted Wang Na, who was engrossed in playing the diabolo. With her legs in a bow stance and her ...