Without a doubt, Telegram disenchanted many people after it became known that the popular app will hand over users’ phone numbers and IP addresses to authorities. However, the messaging client ...
Mini Apps also get custom loading screen support, complete with support for the app icon and theme colors. Media items like codes and memes in TMAs are now shareable to Telegram chats, and you can ...
If you have visited a theme park — such as Disneyland, Knott’s or SeaWorld — lately and said to yourself, “I don’t think that I am the target customer here,” you might be right.
Pavel Durov, the billionaire CEO of Telegram, funded fertility treatment for women using his sperm to conceive. A clinic in Moscow is advertising the service, which it said is paid for by a "very ...
The parent company of Knott’s Berry Farm and Six Flags Magic Mountain has no plans to close any of its 42 theme parks and water parks while the North American amusement park chain continues to ...