Vijal Patel's family-centered comedy series "The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh" makes its official debut, with "Lost" star Naveen ...
She’s the rebellious teen daughter in the pilot episode of Amazon Prime's new comedy series, The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh, ...
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The Pradeeps attempt to prove their innocence to a pair of investigating government agents by recounting their initial life in America after moving from India. Though each family member has a ...
Link to 61 Best Thanksgiving Movies: Your Holiday Movie Feast What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Link to What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming.
The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh creator Vijal Patel spoke to WESA about his journey from finance to comedy, writing South Asian ...
Naveen Andrews and Sindhu Vee star in "The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh." Photo courtesy of Prime Video NEW YORK, Nov. 1 (UPI) --Naveen Andrews says he wanted to portray the patriarch on The Pradeeps of ...
“The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh” creator and showrunner Vijal Patel said the dead rabbits that were placed on the Pradeeps’ doorstep and hunting trips with white Christian neighbors were all real-life ...
“The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh” star Sindhu Vee said she knew a celebrity would be stepping in for a cameo appearance in the season finale, but seeing “Shark Tank” star Mark Cuban was a total surprise. “ ...