Hey Shohei Ohtani, where is the fancy Porsche you hinted at giving your manager Dave Roberts if the Los Angeles Dodgers won the World Series? Well, the Dodgers won the World Series against the New ...
Visiting Tokyo on Wednesday and speaking to mostly Japanese reporters, Roberts was reminded that Ohtani had given teammate Joe Kelly a new Porsche when Kelly agreed to hand over his No 17 shirt ...
Three men have been arrested in connection with the discovery of a man's body which was found on the coast in Kaizuka, Osaka Prefecture, last month. Police said Ryoki Nakamura, a restaurant owner in ...
“996奋斗无忧险”在坊间引发热议。 11月25日,有网友发视频,反映了一个名为“996奋斗无忧险”的保险产品宣传牌。关于此险种,宣传牌介绍其为 ...
A senior Japanese public prosecutor on Wednesday bowed in apology to Iwao Hakamada, the world's longest-serving death row prisoner whose conviction was quashed this year. The octogenarian spent 46 ...
最近,同事Aruda在网上冲浪的时候,看到了中国平安保险推出“996奋斗无忧险”。 好奇心驱使她在官方App和小程序上自行验证,发现该保险产品确实 ...
南方财经全媒体记者 林汉垚 北京报道 近日,一段关于“996奋斗无忧险”宣传牌的视频在网络上引发广泛关注。这款保险产品 ...
近日,一款名为“996奋斗无忧险”的保险产品宣传图片在网络流传,该宣传图片介绍产品为“996奋斗无忧险”,费用18元起/年 ...
17:31【“996奋斗无忧险”熬夜猝死最高获赔60万元?平安财险回应:目前公司没有销售相关产品】据每日经济新闻,近日,网传所谓“996奋斗无忧险 ...
近日网络流传所谓“996奋斗无忧险”引发热议,广告牌显示该保险由中国平安财产保险推出。对此,记者联系中国平安,平安财险回应称,经核实 ...