The upcoming Google Pixel laptop is expected to target the high-end market and may feature a sophisticated design.
Google employees are reportedly comparing the upcoming Pixel laptop to high-end models like Apple’s MacBook Pro, Dell’s XPS ...
The news comes from Android Headlines, which claims to have seen an internal Google email that suggests the so-called Pixel ...
11月19日消息,据Android Headline的报道,在Pixelbook Go笔记本电脑发布五年之后,谷歌可能正准备重返高端笔记本电脑市场。
The Pixelbook Go came with a Chrome OS and has Intel Core M3 processors on the base variant, and Intel Core i7 processors on ...
现在,京东自营正在推出一个特别的优惠活动。这款宏碁非凡Go Pro14 2023款新13代酷睿笔记本电脑原价为4399元,但现价只需4199元,降价幅度可观。如果您购买这款笔记本电脑并参与满3980元减50元的活动和使用满3999减150元的优惠券,那么您将可以以更便宜的价格 ...