Unlike many luxury bags, this one was not crafted with leather. This was made from bacteria. Modern Synthesis, the company that created this purse, says there is demand for the reinvention of ...
So whether you’re shopping with a $50, $25, or even $20 budget, we’ve got you covered. Dive into our guide of 60 exceptional gift ideas, all under $100, to find the perfect present that will impress ...
What was once a two-car garage is now a studio ADU with decidedly stylish touches ... Our highly curated lists of gift ideas are perfect for Angelenos with specific identities: L.A. devotees ...
Along with the ADU movement, Reilly stated that design trends include sustainability, “mixing and matching” heirloom pieces with more modern items in order to foster a “unique style,” as ...
RELATED: Best gifts for women According to Google Shopping, “41% of shoppers find holiday shopping difficult because they need more ideas of what to give” and “23% of shoppers find holiday ...