The CRN 2024 Products of the Year awards honor the leading partner-friendly IT products as selected by the solution providers ...
Invent, IBM and AWS will unveil new milestones in their collaboration to help businesses adopt responsible AI. By John Epperly, global MD: AWS partnership at IBM, and Mahmoud Elmashmi, managing ...
近日,IBM透露了一些关于如何扩大与AWS合作伙伴关系以推动共同企业客户发展负责任AI的细节。IBM表示,下周将在AWS re:Invent大会上展示多项重要合作,包括在Amazon Bedrock和Amazon SageMaker ...
十轮网科技资讯 on MSN7 天
IBM Granite AI模型在AWS上架
IBM和AWS宣布强化AI合作,包括IBM大语言模型家族Granite将在Amazon云计算平台推出,双方也强化集成AWS及watsonx云计算平台的功能,提升安全及性能管理。 这项消息是为下周AWS re: ...
IBM is introducing its Granite models, designed for business applications, on Amazon Bedrock and SageMaker JumpStart.
IT之家 11 月 26 日消息,作为下周举行的亚马逊 AWS re:Invent 技术大会预热,亚马逊 AWS 现宣布与 IBM 进一步深化 AI 领域合作,IBM 的 Granite 3.0 企业 AI 模型将登陆 Amazon 云平台,同时还将进一步适配亚马逊最新的 Trainium 2 芯片。
IBM和Amazon Web Services (AWS)宣布扩大合作伙伴关系,旨在帮助企业扩大负责任的生成式人工智能 (AI)的使用。这项合作在AWS re:Invent大会上公布,突显了IBM利用开源技术和其生态系统跨多个平台的战略,特别是在AWS环境中优化其技术,包括Amazon SageMaker和Amazon Bedrock。
The company said it will showcase a number of key collaborations at AWS re:Invent next week, including the launch of its most ...
新浪科技讯 11月23日上午消息,在参加新浪财经主办的“十大经济年度人物”十周年盛典期间,IBM大中华区董事长兼总经理陈旭东独家回应新浪财经,针对此前的“员工举报”事件,“IBM 委派了一个独立的专业团队针对公开信中的指控进行了详尽的调查。审查工作已经结束,这些指控并不成立,这件事现在已经终结。“ ...
Here’s how it works. IBM's latest quantum computer is now powerful enough for useful scientific research, scientists say, after the company made significant hardware and software improvements to ...