WARNING: Use those softwares at your own risk. The author accepts no responsibility for the consequences of your use of them. Check the readme of each folders for details. Note: Windows users can use ...
IT之家11 月 13 日消息,Shift Up 开发、索尼今年 4 月发行的 PS5 独占游戏《剑星》一经发布便广受好评,玩家不禁开始期待其登上 PC 平台的那一天。 Shift Up 在季度财报的问答环节中谈到了将 PC 移植计划,据称他们正考虑在 2025 年发布《剑星》的 PC 版。 “我们正在 ...
Microsoft really, really, really doesn't want you to upgrade your old Windows 10 PC to Windows 11. That's the logic behind the strict hardware compatibility requirements the company imposed when ...