The final series to be heavily worked on by franchise creator Akira Toriyama, who passed away in March 2024, the Dragon Ball Daima anime premiered on October 11. The anime series follows Goku and ...
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's End of Z DLC shows us Goku insulting Uub for the first time in decades, only it's now been turned into a bit of a quick-time event. With the release of Dragon Ball ...
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero has several different DLCs releasing early next year, but it would appear there’s another DLC floating around that players don’t have to wait for at all.
and more DLC 3: To Be Revealed As you can see from the names above, they're all from Dragon Ball: Daima. For those unaware of the show, it is the fifth overall series in the anime franchise and ...
Fighters such as Trunks and Goten appear in their Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga child forms ... with three additional DLC packs set to arrive in the future. The DLC will include content from the Dragon ...