美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)本周打出了他在美中“芯片战”中的可能的最后一拳。观察人士说,华盛顿最新一轮的芯片技术出口管制限制直逼中国人工智能发展的又一个薄弱环节。下一届总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)可能会以更强硬的方式扩大华盛顿对中国的战略技术封锁。
(原标题:2024 Understanding China Conference丨Wang Wen: We may witness tech hegemony in the era of AI) ...
Under the theme "Connecting the World for a Shared Future," the five-day expo yielded more than 210 trade deals and tentative ...
China successfully sent a new experimental satellite for communication technology into space from the Xichang Satellite ...
近日,国内资讯App应用“今日头条”宣布获得1亿美元投资后,即遭遇多家纸媒的侵权质疑。目前,已有媒体起诉“今日头条”。 北京字节跳动科技 ...
Despite how technologically advanced China is and continuously grows, they're also so culturally attuned with their ...
北京应急“社区侠”来了。11月21日,北京市外卖骑手安全素质和急救能力提升培训活动举行,经过理论、技能培训,40位饿了么蓝骑士参与“心脏 ...
NAPLES, Italy, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- The 13th China-Italy Science, Technology and Innovation Week kicked off Tuesday in Naples, with both sides pledging to foster technological innovation cooperation to ...
China's state-owned enterprises are encouraged to set up venture capital funds that focus on early-stage, small-scale, ...