Join the fun at the Guangzhou Soccer Cup Carnival on November 30, 2024, at the Canadian International School of Guangzhou.
A 17-meter-tall magical Christmas tree will stand at the North Plaza, adorned with iconic elements from the Harry Potter ...
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...
这笔财富或许还不足以让你立即辞职退休,但如果你前期拿出更多资金购买英伟达的股票,投资回报肯定能让你实现这个目标。根据贝斯波克投资集团的计算,20年前投资1万美元购买英伟达股票,现在的价值将高达944万美元,如果投资10万美元,现在价值将达到9,440 ...
Please explain this sentence, with “right on the money” in particular: Bill Clinton’s campaign was right on the money when it ...
In the interview with SFC, Stefanie Holtze-Jen, Chief Investment Officer for Asia Pacific Private Bank at Deutsche Bank AG, ...
“传承中华民族精神,共话文化交流新篇”主题秋日联建活动为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,引导学院师生坚定文化自信,担负文化使命,立足中华文化、讲好中国故事,国家发展研究院和南南合作与发展学院共80名师生于2024年11月3日前往黄花城水 ...