首先,让我们回顾一下iPad Magic Keyboard的基本信息。作为一款提升iPad使用体验的外设,Magic Keyboard组件的设计理念围绕着便捷性与高效性。其搭载的多点触控和背光键盘,使得用户在低光环境中也能轻松输入,提升了适用场合的广泛性。该键盘兼容iPad Pro(11 英寸和 12.9 英寸款式),无疑是专为一体化办公而设计的理想工具。
iPad Diaries is a regular series about using the iPad as a primary computer. You can find more installments here and subscribe to the dedicated RSS feed. I have a ...
As I mentioned in my post about new apps and tools for 2012, I’ve been playing around with a Logitech Tablet Keyboard for iPad, which is available at $69 through Logitech’s website or $59 on Amazon.
Apple Magic Keyboard for the 13‑inch iPad Air normally retails for $349.99. As of Nov. 20, it's on sale for $279.99 at Target ...
Smart Keyboard通过Smart Connector而非市面上常用的蓝牙与iPad Pro连接,吸附即可用,无需配对,也无需单独充电。不过,带键盘的12.9英寸的iPad Pro体积并不比13.3寸的MacBook Air小多少,所以我依然使用此前装MacBook Air的背包。稍有不便的是,Apple Pencil不能与iPad Pro机身固定在一起,可能会比较容易遗忘。
Save $90 on the 10th-generation iPad, which is down by 26% to $259 at Amazon for the 64GB Wi-Fi model. This is Apple’s latest ...
明年春天,苹果在憋什么大招?目前来看,春季的新品还是很多的,有手机,有平板还有笔记本电脑,产品品类丰富,价格上可能也有很多的惊喜。过完年,很多人的年终奖也都到账了。如果你打算升级手机,升级笔记本电脑等产品,不妨等等发布会。当然,到底有什么产品呢?今天 ...
The 10th-gen iPad is already a good bargain at its full $349 MSRP. But right now you can get one for a real steal for Black ...
Don't miss this rare deal! Save 46% on an Apple iPad bundle with Bluetooth headphones, keyboard, and more. Perfect for you or ...
It's been just over a month since Apple released the iPad mini 7, refreshing its smallest tablet with a new Apple ...