I’ve been waiting to get my hands on Apple’s highly anticipated accessory and evaluate it from the perspective of someone who uses the iPad Pro as a tablet, laptop, and desktop workstation. I received ...
首先,让我们回顾一下iPad Magic Keyboard的基本信息。作为一款提升iPad使用体验的外设,Magic Keyboard组件的设计理念围绕着便捷性与高效性。其搭载的多点触控和背光键盘,使得用户在低光环境中也能轻松输入,提升了适用场合的广泛性。该键盘兼容iPad Pro(11 英寸和 12.9 英寸款式),无疑是专为一体化办公而设计的理想工具。
Spread the loveCollege students need versatile, powerful tablets that can handle a wide range of tasks, from taking notes in ...