近日,梅赛德斯-奔驰“传奇系列”(Mythos series)首款量产车型——超级跑车梅赛德斯-AMG PureSpeed,在F1赛事年度收官战——阿布扎比大奖赛上全球首发。“传奇系列”(Mythos ...
日前,梅赛德斯奔驰发布了一组全新AMG PureSpeed车型的官图,新车将限量发售250辆,并将运用大量F1赛车技术,值得期待。 AMG ...
AMG G63 pays tribute to the Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR that Stirling Moss drove to victory at the 1955 Mille Miglia.
Mercedes-AMG was previously tight-lipped on what would power the PureSpeed, but it's now confirmed to use the 4.0-litre ...
Just a few weeks have passed since the news Mercedes-AMG declared they were not going to enter the hypercar race to compete ...
Back in May, the radical Mercedes-AMG Mythos-series PureSpeed prototype was presented as an ode to Formula One racing based on the SL 63 roadster ...
日前,AMG官方正式发布了旗下AMG SL63 PureSpeed车型的官图,新车限量250台,具体的价格还没有公布,Z由Mythos设计团队打造,从一台四座车型变成了两座车型,而且配备有F1同款的Halo防滚架。 从官图来看,新车的前脸造型要比原车凶狠不少,前舱盖上设计有多条隆起的筋线,有着比较强的肌肉感;大灯组采用了熏黑的三角形设计,内部集成有折线形的日行灯,风格显得比较锐利。 格栅部分采用的 ...
Open-top two-seat sports car uses the high-tech safety device straight out of F1 and can top 315km/h without a roof.