《勇者斗恶龙3 HD-2D》重制版自面世三周以来,已取得了令人瞩目的成绩,全球销量成功突破200万大关。近日,该游戏的制作人堀井雄二向广大玩家发出了诚挚的邀请,鼓励那些已经顺利通关的玩家,积极分享自己的游戏体验。
Jonathan Rubinstein, a director at Amazon ( AMZN, Financial ), sold 4,549 shares of that company's stock on the open market ...
A former police officer died in an apparent suicide just before going to trial for sexual assault. His case was dismissed, and his alleged victims say they are infuriated.
For years, residents of a Manhattan neighborhood have discovered tiny ducks and other toys hidden in its nooks and crannies. A determined reporter tries to uncover who is behind the caper.