The climate emergency is a direct consequence of carbon-heavy land-use and agriculture, transport, buildings and industrial processes and polluting energy sources. Without profound changes to these ...
UNEP highlights the environmental impact of overconsumption in the fashion and textile sector as shoppers gear up to spend a ...
COP29 ends with agreement on finance, although much work remains ahead of NDCs in February and COP30 in Brazil next year.
In Madagascar, one of the world’s largest biodiversity hotspots, local communities set up eco-villages that create ...
La cinquième session du Comité de négociation intergouvernemental chargé d'élaborer un instrument international juridiquement ...
A quinta sessão do Comitê Intergovernamental  de Negociação para desenvolver um instrumento internacional juridicamente ...
Discurso de abertura da diretora-executiva do PNUMA, na quinta sessão do Comitê Intergovernamental de Negociação (INC-5) em ...
The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on ...
Karina Khatic has seen firsthand the misuse of pharmaceuticals and the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) they can cause.
Opening address of UNEP Executive Director, at the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5) in ...
Busan, 25 de noviembre de 2024. Hoy se inauguró en Busan (República de Corea) el quinto período de sesiones del Comité ...