Please note the value of investments can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invested. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are ...
Allianz SE is a financial service company. The company's product portfolio includes a wide range of Property-Casualty and Life/Health insurance products for both private and corporate customers.
This fund can be held in an Investment ISA, SIPP and Investment Account The Fund seeks to achieve capital growth and income with a low level of volatility (risk), having a risk profile of 2, in a ...
The Fund aims to produce monthly income payments together with capital growth through investment in sustainable securities. The Fund targets a net total return of at least the IBOXX GBP Corporates ...
The Fund aims to provide income and capital growth in excess of the MSCI AC Pacific ex Japan (Net Total Return) index (after fees have been deducted) over a three to five year period by investing in ...
This fund can be held in an Investment ISA, SIPP and Investment Account The Fund seeks to provide growth, combining capital and income, over the long term (at least 5 years) consistent with a growth ...
The Investment objective of the Fund is to generate income with the potential for long term (5 years or more) capital growth. The Fund aims to deliver a net target yield of at least the net yield of ...
The Fund aims to provide growth in line with its risk profile in the long term, which is a period of five years or more. To achieve its objective the Fund will invest a minimum of 70% in collective ...
The Fund aims to increase the value of investor's investment with low volatility versus the MSCI All Country World (Net Total Return) Index. It also seeks to deliver an income that is at least 25% ...