Time, Limited Term (up to three (3) years in duration with possible extension for two (2) more years), RCUH Non-Civil ...
説明 : 低解像度( 96 KB) / 中解像度(813 KB) / 高解像度(7.6 MB) 銀河の形態を系統的に分類する方法として、ハッブル分類が有名です。銀河を大きく楕円銀河、レンズ状銀河、(棒)渦巻銀河に分類し、どれにも当てはまらない不規則な形状の銀河を不 ...
The following table lists the broad-band filters currently installed in MOIRCS, together with their estimated sensitivities. Our broad band filters are designed to follow the MKO filter system ...
The Hubble Classification, also known as the Hubble Sequence, is a widely recognized method for systematically categorizing galaxy morphology. Galaxies are classified into elliptical, lenticular, and ...
説明 : 低解像度( 82.1 KB) / 中解像度(977.7 KB) /(9.93 MB) おとめ座にある棒渦巻銀河です。ほぼ正面を向いていて大きく広がった腕が見事な形です。左に淡く広がった銀河を従えていますが、それらはおそらくはこの銀河の衛星銀河であると思われます。
2024年8月17日(土)、ハワイ島ヒロのマウナケア天文台群山麓施設が並ぶノース・アオホク通りを歩行者天国にして(ブロックして)、七夕ブロックパーティーが開催されました。マウナケア天文普及委員会主催のこのイベントは、2009年世界天文年に開催し ...
Job Summary Regular, Full-Time, RCUH Non-Civil Service position with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), located in Maunakea and Hilo, Hawai‘i. Continuation of employment is ...
説明 : 低解像度(76 KB) / 中解像度(541 KB) / 高解像度(9.2 MB) このプロジェクトは 文部科学省 大規模学術フロンティア促進事業の支援を受けています。
NGC 4123 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Virgo. This galaxy appears nearly face-on, showing its impressive grand-design spiral arms. A faint small galaxy is seen to the left, ...
The appearance may be strange with no line break under the Windows browser -- you may change .ope to .txt if it happens. Edit the following lines suggested as ">>> To Users:" in the ope file and send ...
Dr. Yoshida began his work at Subaru Telescope in August 2017. As a skilled software engineer in the Instrument Division, he quickly familiarized himself with the existing software systems. Dr.