Editor: The press is filled these days with taxpayer funded announcements telling us what wonderful things our current Conservative government is providing us – a sure sign of a coming election.
Editor: Helen Blackburn’s letter Leave those leaves where they fall (The Creemore Echo, Nov. 22) echoes a recent talk at Essa library by Lorraine Johnson who shared similar information – many adult ...
This month, I found myself at a two-day Continuum workshop exploring movement in a whole new way. As a JourneyDance facilitator, yoga enthusiast, and avid walker I’m very familiar with moving my body, ...
If you have a garden, like many Echo readers do, you know it’s no big deal to consume fruit or vegetables that are cosmetically imperfect. They taste fine. Plus, their odd shapes are conversation ...
On Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3, the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) is accepting donations to help restore local rivers and streams, maintain conservation areas, inspire youth to connect ...