当ROSÉ的新歌《number one girl》上线时,无数粉丝为之动容。这首歌不仅展现了她脆弱的一面,也表达了她对被更多人接纳和喜欢的渴望。这是一首让人一听就幸福得想哭的歌曲。 这首歌是ROSÉ第二支主打单曲,收录于《rosie》专辑中。不同于之前的欢快氛围,《number one girl》是一首抒情歌曲,歌词中充满了对认可和爱的渴望。这种情感的表达,让听众感受到了歌手内心的脆弱。 在创作背 ...
“Number One Girl” follows ROSÉ’s recently released collaboration with Bruno Mars, “APT.” The track hit No. 1 on the Billboard ...
(封面图源:YouTube@ROSÉ截图、The Black Label提供TV Daily) ROSÉ与Bruno Mars(火星人布鲁诺)合作的〈APT.〉热潮还在,两人合作第二首歌曲〈number one girl ...
“Number One Girl” will follow ROSÉ’s chart-topping duet with Bruno Mars, “APT.,” which has spent four weeks and counting at ...
ROSÉ与Bruno Mars(火星人布鲁诺)合作的〈APT.〉热潮还在,两人合作第二首歌曲〈number one girl〉很快也释出,Bruno Mars担任制作人,ROSÉ独唱歌声听得粉丝如痴如醉。   ...
In her 'Number One Girl' lyrics, Rosé gets candid about her desire for validation and acceptance. The lines are written in ...
Now, as a pre-Thanksgiving treat for her American fans, Rosé has released a second single, titled “number one girl,” ahead of ...
除了超能打的时尚表现,从Rosé的舞台延展至私下生活中,也总是美得那么有杀伤力。就像提到她总会想起那一头充满记忆点和辨识度的白金发色,再加上她优越线条感的面部轮廓和量感适中五官组成的淡颜属性, 不走甜美路线时就有种生人勿近的气场。
BLACKPINK’s Rosé is going to take the music world by storm once again as she announces the highly anticipated new single ...
今天下午1点,韩国人气组合BLACKPINK成员ROSé的最新单曲《number one girl》在QQ音乐上线,这也是ROSé即将发行的首张录音室专辑《rosie》中释出的又一首作品。 此前,ROSé和Bruno Mars合作的《APT.》就广获好评。歌曲的创作灵感来自韩国的饮酒游戏,经过Bruno Mars、Omer Fedi、Rogét Chahayed等音乐人的联手制作,于是就有了这首《 ...
Ahead of the release of rosie on December 6 and following the success of “APT.” with Bruno Mars, BLACKPINK's Rosé has ...
K-pop star Rosé released a single and music video for "Number One Girl," a song from her debut solo album, "Rosie." ...