The Star Wars game is specifically free via Prime Gaming, as part of its December lineup. This means an Amazon Prime ...
Sony has finally, sort of, released themes for the PlayStation 5, as players can style their home screen and menus after the ...
前SIE全球工作室总裁吉田修平即将离职 ...
Sony has announced more PlayStation 2 games are coming to PS Plus’ Classics Catalog next month, and the lineup includes two ...
Sony has updated the PlayStation website to mention that the PS2 is now at a staggering 160 million units sold worldwide ...
This week on the Pure Nintendo Podcast, Jemma and Kirk discuss the latest console numbers, since Sony just declared a new ...
The PS1 overlay places the PS1 power and open buttons on the top of the screen, and has the classic sounds: The PS2 option ...
Sony's PlayStation 2 is one such product, confirmed by the company to have sold a staggering 160 million units. Released on ...
在游戏史上,某些传奇永远不会被遗忘,索尼的PlayStation 2(PS2)便是其中之一。近日,索尼在其官方网站上公布了PS2的最新销量数据——自2000年发行以来,PS2全球销量已达1.6亿台,成功超越了任天堂的NDS(1.54亿)和Switch ...
近期,Reddit社区中一位玩家的创意作品引起了广泛关注,他亲手打造了一台风格独特的PS5主机,完美融合了PlayStation 2的经典元素。这款PS5主机全黑的设计,搭配与PS2如出一辙的Logo字体和色彩,瞬间唤起了无数玩家的怀旧情怀。