今日,有消息称,三星计划启动One UI 7测试版更新,而此次更新将率先面向Galaxy S24系列手机推送,Galaxy S23系列以及其他机型将随后跟进。 据了解,三星客服已经确认于12月5日在德国率先启动One UI ...
近期,有关三星即将在其最新的One UI系统更新中引入一项新功能的消息引起了广泛关注。据悉,这项更新将允许用户通过长按侧边按钮来启动Google的Gemini语音助手,从而打破了之前仅限于启动三星自家Bixby助手的限制。
【CNMO科技消息】近日,有消息透露,三星计划在即将发布的One UI更新中,允许用户通过长按侧边按钮启动Google Gemini语音助手,打破了以往只能启动三星自家Bixby语音助手的限制。这一变化对用户而言无疑是一个好消息,也让 三星 ...
Samsung may allow Google Gemini to replace Bixby on Galaxy devices' side button. A string of code was spotted in the Google ...
值得注意的是,德国并不是唯一一个会推出One UI ...
IT之家 12 月 5 日消息,多方消息源表明,三星计划今天(12 月 5 日)启动 One UI 7 测试版更新, 三星 Galaxy S24 系列手机将率先获得推送 ,Galaxy S23 及其它机型会后续跟进,正式版将于明年 1 月发布。
Samsung fans have been waiting for months and months, but they could finally get their first chance to try One UI 7 this week ...
The Dallas Mavericks are one of eight teams that will vie for the annual in-season tournament championship after Tuesday’s ...
As spotted by Phone Arena over the weekend, “in a remarkable display of longing for Samsung’s latest software update, leaked ...
If the Dallas Cowboys (5-7) want to keep their playoff hopes alive, they must put together a strong performance Monday night ...