Ming Yuan, located on Nos. 12, 14, 16 of Peizheng (培正) Lu in Guangzhou's Yuexiu district, consists of two three-storey red ...
ISTANBUL, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- Sixty-seven Chinese exporters of plastic machinery and new materials began showcasing their latest products in Istanbul on Wednesday, seeking business opportunities at a ...
北京时间12月6日凌晨,英国《每日电讯报》著名记者Mike ...
据中国贸易救济信息网,12月5日,美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)发布公告称,对特定功率转换器模块及包含该模块的计算系统(Certain Power Converter Modules And Computing Systems Containing The Same,调查编码:337-TA-1370)作出337部分终裁:对2024年9月24日作出的初裁进行部分复审,复审内容包括专利有效性、申请方是否 ...
【侨报讯】周四,纽约警察局发布了一组与联合健保(UnitedHealthcare)首席执行官布莱恩·汤普森(Brian Thompson)遇害案相关的重要嫌疑人照片。这些照片显示了嫌疑人的完整面容。 周三清晨7点前,汤普森在曼哈顿第54街一家希尔顿酒店前遭到枪击,背部和腿部中弹,送医后不治身亡。凶手逃离现场,骑电动自行车朝中央公园方向逃逸。警方悬赏高达1万美元,征集线索以抓捕嫌犯。
DALIAN, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- An engine production gigafactory operated by FAW Jiefang, a truck subsidiary of leading Chinese automaker FAW Group, began operations in the city of Dalian in northeast ...
Why spend hours in the kitchen when you can savor every moment of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays putting on the Ritz?
Located in the elegant Xinhua Road neighborhood at the end of peaceful Lane 345, Xinhua Lane Christmas Market will banish the ...
汤普森于2021年被任命为联合健康集团(UnitedHealth ...
12月5日,平和县迁台记忆展示中心揭牌仪式在福建漳州平和县埔坪村举行。作为福建省的重点侨乡和重要的台胞祖籍地之一,平和县与台湾地区血脉相连、渊源深厚。这里拥有众多涉台文物保护单位,同时也是众多台湾名人志士的祖籍所在地。平和县迁台记忆展示中心占地面积5 ...
2024年度第十四届酒店风尚榜获奖名单揭晓,酒店,国际酒店,假日酒店,洲际酒店,皇冠假日酒店,风尚榜 ...
Jing'an District is known as the cradle of Shanghai's eSports industry. Aside from the establishment of the Shanghai Masters, the district also launched the development of the Lingshi Road as the core ...