Discover how Mozilla's free AI voice training data in 180 languages could revolutionize voice technology and accessibility ...
Security researchers have confirmed how a 9.8 severity vulnerability was used in a zero-click cyber attack chain by Russian ...
Mozilla tries something new in encouraging users to set Firefox as their default web browser, but could this controversial ...
Mozillas experiment in Firefox 134 Beta, & targeted for Firefox 135, could set Firefox as default browser during installation ...
Exactly 20 years ago, Mozilla started shipping version 1.0 of its Firefox browser. At the time, you could download it or buy ...
Russian hacking group RomCom are taking advantage of vulnerabilities found in Windows and Mozilla products to silently ...
Russian hacking group RomCom exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Windows to launch widespread ...
Mozilla has released Firefox 133. The browser offers even more protection for your privacy. The developers have also closed ...
RomCom exploits Firefox and Windows zero-day flaws to deliver malware via fake websites in Europe and North America.
IT之家 11 月 23 日消息,美国司法部提出一项新计划,要求谷歌限制甚至出售其 Chrome 浏览器业务。虽然这看似可能是 Mozilla 的 Firefox (火狐)浏览器等竞争对手的胜利,但 Mozilla ...
Mozilla 于 2004 年 11 月 9 日发布初代 Firefox 浏览器,为庆祝 20 岁生日,和 Red Panda Network 机构合作,发起了一项保护濒危小熊猫的公益活动。