工欲善其事,必先利其器。用这句话来形容宝马在电动化和智能化浪潮中的表现,十分地稳妥——在2024 ...
From priority next-day servicing to exclusive KrisFlyer rewards on premium models, BMW Eurokars Auto elevates ownership with ...
Both the X4 M's expected successor and the new iX3 are a part of Munich's bold strategy to go all-electric by 2030, which ...
12 月 19 日消息,汽车媒体 BMW Blog 于 12 月 17 日发布博文,报道称宝马 X4 M 燃油版车型将于 2025 年底停产,后续不会推出燃油版继任车型,取而代之的是基于纯电平台打造的全新 iX4 M。
在科技不断进步的今天,汽车制造商们正在积极探索如何将最新的技术融入到车辆中,为消费者提供更加智能、安全和舒适的驾驶体验。作为全球领先的豪华车制造商之一,宝马集团始终走在技术创新的前沿,其对人机交互领域的深入研究和开发,即将在2025年的国际消费类电子 ...
宝马公司近日宣布,将于2025年1月7日举办的国际消费电子展(CES)上,正式揭晓其备受瞩目的全新Panoramic iDrive全景系统。此次发布会特别策划了一场别开生面的活动,邀请了知名喜剧演员Tim ...
BMW is starting the year off big. The first in an expected series of reveals, including new products, will start on January ...
The Tesla Model Y is a superb family SUV with EV power, but what if you fancy something different? We’ve come up with the best new and used alternative choices.
Zeekr isn’t your average Chinese newcomer brand. Born from ideal conditions in the primordial automotive soup created in the ...
Auto Bavaria has announced a partnership with Affin Group to enhance Malaysia’s electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure ...
BMW will use the 2025 CES next month in Las Vegas to present its next-generation iDrive user interface, BMW Panoramic iDrive, the automaker announced on Tuesday. BMW also announced it has recruited ...
For all the talk of it getting fatter and less pure over the years, the BMW M3 remains a hallowed nameplate, one that ...