On November 30, FAW-Volkswagen put the all-new Golf family onto market, offering four trim levels priced between 129,900 yuan and 209,900 yuan. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- On November 30, FAW-Volkswagen put ...
1/11月24日,科大讯飞(002230)科普研究院在国家科技传播中心举行成立仪式。全国政协常委、教科卫体委员会副主任、中国科协原党组副书记、副主席、书记处书记徐延豪,科大讯飞高级副总裁赵志伟共同为“科大讯飞科普研究院”成立揭牌。科大讯飞科普研究院成立旨在进一步推动人工智能新质生产力的科普转化,促进科普事业与产业高质量发展,将人工智能科学普及作为长期战略投入,打造具有影响力的前沿科学技术普及策源地 ...
An extreme heat wave off California’s coast seemed like an anomaly 10 years ago. But as the ocean warms, the catastrophe may be a glimpse of the future. By Delger Erdenesanaa and Ian C. Bates ...
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