Mazda offers a fair range of vehicles in the US in 2024, and this is the cheapest brand-new model currently available from ...
Denton’s Walmart on South Loop 288 is launching a pilot program that equips some employees with body-worn cameras in an ...
Anytime Fitness in Southern Pines and Pinehurst staff members delivered a truckload of supplies to the Moore Humane Society ...
Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley teamed up with first responders for her 16th annual coat drive. Nearly 1,000 coats were donated this year.
Nasdaq-listed self-driving car marketplace Zoomcar is set to pilot a chauffeur-driven car rental service ‘Zoomcar Cabs’ in ...
The new service will see the Bengaluru-based company cater to a market currently dominated by both unorganised players as ...
财联社消息,记者从多位知情人士处获悉,华为车BU预计将在2025年1月1日并入引望,规模将达到数千人。目前长安汽车和赛力斯分别以115亿元购买由华为持有的引望公司10%股权。据悉,当下华为车BU处于业务高速增长期,未来的签约将会以引望的形式出现。(财 ...
Would improved marketing of natural assets drive tourism, especially among young people ... That approach is a key component ...
There are a few SAE Level 3 autonomous driving systems out there that allow drivers to take their eyes off the road while moving. Mercedes' Drive Pilot is one of them, and the system has just been ...
日前, 梅赛德斯奔驰 宣布德国联邦汽车运输管理局已正式批准其95km/h时速的DRIVE PILOT自动驾驶系统。据介绍,这套95km/h时速的DRIVE PILOT预计2025年春季在德国发售,现有DRIVE PILOT客户将免费获得更新。(中国汽车报) ...
For more than 30 years, the Pilot Club of Suffolk has sponsored the Safety Tree in partnership with the police department.
同时,梅赛德斯-奔驰表示,其最新DRIVE PILOT自动驾驶系统预计将于2025年春季在德国发售,起售价将保持5,950欧元不变,含增值税。现有DRIVE ...