【环球网科技报道 记者 勃潺】11月23日消息,OpenAI竞争对手Anthropic宣布扩大与亚马逊网络服务(AWS)合作伙伴关系,包括来自亚马逊的40亿美元新资金。这将使亚马逊对公司的总投资达到80亿美元,同时仍为少数股东。 Anthropic称 ...
The news that Amazon (AMZN) is doubling down on its investment in Anthropic is another indication that the startup is likely to stay private for longer, continuing a recent trend in Silicon Valley ...
据悉,Anthropic今年早些时候曾获得7.5亿美元融资,由风险投资公司Menlo Ventures领投,估值略高于180亿美元,自那以后,其最大的竞争对手OpenAI和埃隆·马斯克的xAI的估值都出现了新一轮飙升。
Amazon.com pumped another $4 billion into OpenAI competitor Anthropic, as the company goes up against Big Tech rivals in a ...
The tech giant doubles its investment in the startup as it aims to compete in the AI arms race.
Amazon strengthens its position in the AI race with an additional $4 billion investment in Anthropic, committing to custom silicon and cloud dominance to compete with Microsoft and Google.
此外,医保案例付费路径封死后,影像AI企业更为依赖医院、影像设备企业作为支付方。受制于高压医疗反腐,2024年上半年医院医学装备采购总额几近腰斩,磁共振、CT的中标金额仅为去年同期的60%。此形势下,产业链上游影像设备厂商面临的压力将直接传导至中游的 ...
在各大科技公司纷纷竞相资助生成式 AI 之际,亚马逊正向 AI 初创公司 Anthropic 额外投资 40 亿美元。 这将使亚马逊对 Anthropic 的总投资(自去年开始)达到 80 亿美元。 Anthropic 还表示,他们正在与 AWS ...
This will bring the total investment by Amazon on Anthropic up to $8 billion while still remaining a minority investor. This ...